Friday, April 15, 2011

Moving again!

The good thing about moving... Fresh slate. My turn to take up something new in my new surroundings. I want to learn to cook deliciousness so I stop eating fast food like a fat American! A few of my ideas/cravings... I will succeed at this. Be my source of inspiration? Any of you? Side note: I NEVER thought I'd be moving to another place in Provo again... Lo and behold, right?

I never would have thought of this, but there are peaches in this beauty! nom nom.

Cute table cloth... but say hello to the cure for PMS...

Seriously? Cuteee little bunnies. 

This reminds me of the delicious berry coffee cake at starbucks!

Love love love asparagus. But it does remind me of the part in Elf when they propose the idea for the book where the asparagus is self conscious about his pee smelling...

Not hard to make by any means but THIS is tempting right now...


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