Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm keeping my head above water... Barely

Between moving and finals and friends and whatever is left of my social life, I'm drowning quickly in "coulda shoulda woulda's"... One. More. Week. I can do this! I am loving being back in a more social part of town! It's not quite as easy to hibernate and people might actually notice now if I disappear... haha I wish I had something more exciting to share, I'm just grateful to be living in the moment. I can't control the future and the past is set in stone so all I am focusing on being in the present and really soaking in life for all it has to offer.

I just started reading C.S Lewis' The Problem of Pain, and I love it. I highly suggest it. If for no other reason than the ability to relate to humanity on a deeper level, even if you aren't Christian. The logical way he approaches emotional subjects makes the concept that much easier to grasp. I say 'grasp' only because just understanding the concept is not enough, we can understand something and still struggle to apply it to our lives.

No pictures today... I haven't gotten a chance to cyberstalk anyone in this hectic time of my life... a crying shame if I ever knew one... ;)

Lo and behold, my head is still above water...


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