Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I love my Mommy.

I don't even know where to begin! My mom is the best. She is the first one to take care of anyone. She doesn't have to know them, but she assumes the role of caretaker to anyone she comes in contact with and for that I love her. She truly taught me the art of caring and that to truly care means that you don't expect it in return. I can't tell you how many times I rolled my eyes at having to run soup and crackers to a stranger's door because my mom heard through a grapevine that they had the flu. Or when someone at church was struggling financially and my mom just so happened to clean out her closet that same week and drop the clothes off at their house because they "didn't fit her anymore" without so much as asking a question. I honestly can only hope to be half as selfless as she has shown me to be. I have learned through her example to make sure that the house is clean before bed, that when someone has been out of town we should have warm cookies waiting upon their arrival home, and when someone comes to visit we are to have a thoughtful gift on the guest bed to let them know we appreciate their company. Even more admirable, is that most of these things are second nature for her. It's not a burden at all, but just the way she is. Not to mention she does all this while looking fabulous! While our fashion senses don't always see eye-to-eye, I respect her for wearing what makes her feel good and for taking care of herself always. She's gorgeous and that fact lightens my fear of aging with the chance that along with many other traits I also might have inherited her graceful and inevitable pursuit towards old age. Basically, I love my mommy. And by posting this on my blog for everyone to see, I feel like I've made my point abundantly clear.

An oldie but a goodie of me and Mom!

Sorry for the wordiness but I had been out of town for the last week both in Frisco (home) and visiting some family in Arizona so I feel like I have so much to say! Much needed TLC was enjoyed and it's always great to catch up with long lost family! I have been so blessed to have so many influential mother figures in my life and this Mother's Day certainly reminded me of all of them. From literal 'aunts' to my substitute 'aunts' that I have no blood relation to, but have earned that title no less, I realize that I need to let these women know of their emanating beauty and genuine example in my life... even if Mother's Day was last week. Better late than never, right?


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